Sunday, March 31, 2013

Time Heroes Update - Nearing Readiness!

Things have been busy on the GeekWorld front. After some initial discussion with Justin, Time Heroes' illustrator and layout designer, we appear to have come to an agreement on his illustrating compensation. That just leaves compensation for layout work. He has also begun doing some work on the Quick-Start Rules and Episode, which is called Rise of the Plushies! I've been provided with a sample page, and am extremely happy with how that turned out, both art and design-wise. There should be no issues with getting that ready for Berserkon (and for the $1 Kickstarter backers).

Regarding my work on the game design end of things, I'm currently working on the "final" edit of the beta draft (accepting that there will almost assuredly be changes from backer feedback. I've given myself a rate of 10% today and, after today, have just hit the 50% mark. This means that after the upcoming Friday (4/5/13), the beta draft of Time Heroes will be done and ready to provide to the $5 backers. So, good progress!

In regards to the Time Heroes Kickstarter, I have solidly decided on the following reward levels (with more likely to be added before the thing gets going):

$1 Quick-Start Rules/Episode Rise of the Plushies
$5 Immediate access to the Time Heroes beta draft (with the ability to send errors/problems for amending in the final edition).
$10 Time Heroes PDF (black and white)
$25/30 (haven't decided yet) - Softcover of the Time Heroes core rules (in black and white, color might be a stretch goal)
$35/40 (depending on book cost) - Autographed copy of the Time Heroes core rules
$60/65 - As autograph level but I will run an adventure for your group

As I said, there will probably be more reward levels (and maybe more added once the Kickstarter begins, if supplement stretch goals get reached).

That's about everything I have currently, update-wise. Things are rolling along smoothly, and we're hoping to be able to get our Kickstarter going by Berserkon. Time (and the CC license) will tell!

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